
We have successfully deployed 13,545 RT (47.7MW) of cooling capacity, delivering energy efficiency improvements on average of 15 to 30%, saving our clients ~5.4 GWh/y per year and ~3,660t CO2eq /yr.

Data Center

EnerCoat® Solution for Baseline Energy Savings
(Hong Kong)

  • Regenerative Efficiency Technology applied to 4,622 RT (15.2 MW) cooling capacity

  • Delivered 15% average energy efficiency increase

  • Payback achieved within just 1 Year

  • Excellence Award jointly with client: CLP’s Smart Energy Innovation Award 2022

  • Client received W. Media Energy Efficiency Innovation Award 2022

Shopping Mall

EnerCoat® RT Solution for Optimized Energy Savings
(Hong Kong)

  • Regenerative Efficiency Technology applied to 275 RT (1 MW) cooling capacity

  • RTview energy optimization indicated simple adjustments could yield 40% energy savings

  • Initial predictive maintenance assessment indicated early compressor failure if operating settings not adjusted 

International Bank

EnerCoat® RT Solution for Enhanced Energy Savings
(Hong Kong)

  • Regenerative Efficiency Technology applied to 2,880 RT (10.1 MW) cooling capacity

  • Delivered 25% average energy efficiency increase with annual electricity savings of 980+ MWh

  • Susbtantially contributes to client's Scope 2 Carbon emission reduction target

  • Deployed proprietary RTzyme solution to air handling units and delivered additional 8% energy savings

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